2C Update 070417

The 2Cs are well and truly on our way. Everything has been squeezed into our four bags, the Harley is stored, the coach cleaned and put away, the deck furniture and bikes packed into the shed, and we have had our farewells with the kids. Tiffer and Kai drove up to Crystal River yesterday after school and we had a great afternoon riding bikes. Yes, Kai is actually riding his new two-wheeler (with training wheels). If you need a demonstration of how fast kids learn, less than two weeks ago, on Easter morn when the bunny brought the yellow Elmo bike, the young man hadn't a clue about pedaling. Now, he can ride it like he's been doing it for years. His only catch was when he got so the training wheels straddled the V-dip in the road, and the real wheel had no purchase! They spent the night, and after a BIG breakfast at Grannie's this morning, we zipped down the Suncoast parkway straight to the Tampa Airport.
Which has free wireless!! We have a couple of hours before our flight to Oakland, CA and Don is getting an airport haircut. I THINK we are looking forward to our week in Oakland: a little income ( we are both working), several get togethers with West Coast friends, the Latitude & Attitudes Saturday night party, and a chance to catch up three time zones. The only hitch to the plan is that we will be girls in one hotel room and boys in another! steve, my boss, provides two hotel rooms, and he has kindly offered Don the bed in his room so nobody has to pay for a third.
Final departure to Fiji is Tuesday, April 24.
Labels: Leaving Florida
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